Textbook on Digital Humanism with Practical Exercises. Digital Humanism as a Model for the Future.
An Open Letter on the Urgent Need to Regulate Digital Technologies
Our association has signed the open letter published by TU Wien's Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML), which calls for the urgent regulation of digital technologies.
Digitaler Humanismus in Practice Award Ceremony
Im ORF-Zentrum am Küniglberg ist am 21. Januar 2025 der "Digitaler Humanismus in der Praxis Award" verliehen worden.

DIGHUM Lecture: Simon Parsons: “AI for Sustainable Agriculture”
18/03/2025 | 5:00 pm
"Simon Parsons will talk about ways AI can help to make the food supply more sustainable."

Digital Humanism Conference 2025
26/05/2025 | 8:00 am
#DigHum2025 brings together experts to discuss technology through the lens of human values and democratic principles. Challenging the digital, empowering the human.