
Dig Hum Website Ressourcen zum Thema digitaler Humanismus bietet die Webseite der Digital Humanism Initiative der TU Wien.


Policy Brief

The Policy Brief provides a brief introduction to Digital Humanism.


Introduction to Digital Humanism

The introductory lecture by Erich Prem for the course at TU Wien in cooperation with the University of Vienna is available online.


Lecture series “Foundations and Methods of Digital Humanism”

This lecture series aims to highlight the new movement of “Digital Humanism” and to link it closely with the existing traditions of research into the impact of digital technologies on society in various disciplines. The lecture series is therefore particularly concerned with the highly multidisciplinary character of digital humanism, which we facilitate through lectures on various theoretical approaches and research methods. This will enable students from all disciplines to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of digital technologies on society.