Welcome to our website on Digital Humanism!
The digitalization of our society is progressing rapidly. Despite the many positive aspects that come along with it, there are also increasingly negative developments that threaten to undermine central human rights and our democratic institutions. Due to this, we have decided to initiate the project “Digital Humanism” which aims to thoroughly analyze and scrutinize the digitalization and submit concepts for a reorientation of it according to human rights and democratic principles. TU Wien has already made a crucial contribution last year in this regard by publishing an own manifesto on Digital Humanism as well as by organizing several workshops on this topic.
Based on the work of TU Wien, we now want to further develop this initiative for a Digital Humanism. In the medium term, we want to establish a multidisciplinary basis in Vienna. On the one hand, this base ought to critically observe current developments in digitization and, on the other hand, act as a platform for an intensive discourse on Digital Humanism. The focus will clearly be on Vienna, but European and international developments will also be included to a lesser extent. In the long term, our goal is, then, to establish Vienna as a center of Digital Humanism.
The project consists of three parts:
The observatory collects and analyzes all RTI activities of disciplines dealing with aspects of Digital Humanism. At the same time, the observatory serves as an internal and external communication tool.
A range of workshops and round tables aim to initiate and maintain an intensive discourse between the different stakeholders on Digital Humanism.
Various tools to support the RTI policy discourse will be developed in the course of the project. This includes scenarios, roadmaps and policy briefs, but also short videos, which will all be published on this website.
(Please note that this platform is still in an initial stage and is regularly being updated and extended!)